Thursday, September 1, 2011

You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song

The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or touched; they are felt by the human heart. -Helen Keller

This has long been one of my favorite quotes and I demand that it be put on my  headstone when I kick the bucket in about 70 more years.  It is a reminder that there are no words or photos that can capture the emotion that we feel inside when we experience beauty.  I can make a list of the beautiful things that I see every day--a sunrise when I get done with a 6:15 AM yoga class...the smile of a friend at that Yoga class...the kind words in a text from a Motherly friend...the greetings from strangers when I'm out running...the hug from my long-standing work husband/teammate...a friendly voicemail from my friends from the Midwest...the goofy little chuckle of my nephew...the proud face of my niece when she gets 100% on her spelling invitation from a friend to get together for ladies night...a reminder from the boss about the good work I'm doing...the excitement I feel when I finish a lyrics that capture my thoughts completely...the goofy face my gangsta Zumba instructor makes and the laughter that ensues from her daughter and myself...a sweet voicemail from my Gramma who just calls to make sure I'm alive after a hurricane and an earthquake in a single email from Europe while my coach is out of the country...taste of fresh-made Guacamole or the silence in between the noises of the day..the smile of the baby sitting next to me at Starbucks...a hug from a friend..the sunset when I go on a walk in the evening...the thank you from a client...

Make your beauty list--and realize that while you may not be able to see or touch the beauty you're feeling within, you can capture that feeling and remind yourself of it throughout the day.  Remember that you, too, are the beauty to so many others--and to me! 


Anonymous said...

You made my day.

I love you!


La said...

Nah, you made mine!! :) xoxo