Monday, September 19, 2011

Seasons of change

There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!  -Percy Bysshe Shelley

During my run on Friday, I realized that it was the first run in which I was crunching leaves under my feet.  I run all of my runs on a paved greenway or around a park, so it is tree-covered the entire way.  The signs of fall were all there--cooler temps (it was 54 when I was running--it is usually 80 to 100), leaves turning colors, leaves crunching on the ground, and entire day of being stuffed up afterward!

Fall brings such wonderful accompaniments.  Pumpkins, apple pie, warm colors, cooler temps, less lawn-mowing, Thanksgiving--all reminders of the changes of the earth.

With that in mind, these last 26 entries before my race will include some changes.  Today is not motivation Monday, clearly. 

In my plans and preparations for distraction, I have decided that I will focus each mile on a person or group of people who have impacted/supported me.  Rather than thinking about how my calves feel as though they could explode, I will instead think about that person/people.  In my last 26 day countdown to the race, I will countdown my "26-ers" with you.

Stay tuned for the fun!  And if you are making apple pie anytime soon, CALL ME--it is the tastiest part of the fall!!


Melissa quimby said...

You have more will power and motivation than 75 of me!!! I'm so excited about all the things you have done the last year!
Ps .... your son says hello... he talks now!

La said...

:) Q--I had no idea that you read this thing--love that you commented!! We all have the will power & motivation--just have to find it within ourselves. Tell my boy I say hello! He's getting cuter and cuter (I mean--there's only up after birth, right?!). Miss you girlie! XOXO