I would like to thank each and every one of you that submitted an email to me for today's feature. I have chosen quite the lil' lady to share with you all today. Our country will be sharing one of the greatest individuals I've ever met with another place called SPAIN soon--and why, you ask? Because she's living life the way it is meant to be lived--fearlessly. Her submission is below. She's also got a blog that you can check out anytime so you can follow her beautifully scripted written word as she continues her fearless endeavors in Spain. Check out her amazingness here.
I woke up on my 27th birthday with an urgency to live. Most of my life had been harbored with fear: a fear of trying new things, a fear of messing up, and a fear of making a bad decision. Fear was something that was inadvertently instilled in me at a young age. Save for a rainy day. Play it safe. Never take a risk. All are admirable lessons, but as admirable as they might be, they stifled my ability to live. I wanted my 27th year to be different. I wanted to taste life.
To help break myself of old ideologies, I decided to make a list of 11 new adventures/experiences that I would complete in 2011. The list included everything from getting a reiki attunement to going skydiving to moving to another country. I met my list with fervor and intensity. Not only did the list provide me with new experiences, but it also provided me with a new frame of mind. In accomplishing this list, I’ve learned that risks are ok; EVERYTHING works out in the end. I’ve learned that, in the midst of playing it safe in order to live a happy life, I was, in all actuality, not happy. I learned, most of all, that life is short. Now is the time. NOW.
As Nicki Minaj says in “Moment 4 Life, “to live doesn’t mean you’re alive.” I’m excited to say that I, finally, am alive, one adventure at a time.
Keep your submissions coming for next week's S U P E R S T A R S A T U R D A Y :) In case you missed the memo on what it is, check it out the end of this post where it explains it all
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