Wednesday, July 27, 2011

One of Those Days

This, too, shall pass. -Proverb

Have you ever just had “one of those days?” Nobody really calls those days anything special, but when “one of those days” is referenced, I think we all know what it is. Maybe you didn’t sleep well the night before, or overslept and had to race out the door to get to work. Maybe you packed your gym bag last minute and forgot your pants (yep, that has DEFINITELY happened to me). Maybe you had a fight with a friend or your spouse and just started the day out on the wrong foot. Or your kids are extra irritable and no matter what you do, they don’t seem to understand that you just need a little peace and quiet. Well I have definitely had those days, and I had “one of those days” yesterday. So for all of you out there who have had the same, this entry is for you.

When I have these days, I try to step back and assess what the issue is. Am I really just tired? Am I sick and don’t feel well? Am I upset with somebody else? Or with myself? I am a pretty quick problem-solver, so if I can figure out what it is, I do my best to resolve the situation as best as possible. If I’m tired, I probably can’t just leave work to go home to sleep—but maybe I can do something to wake myself up—do some physical activity or play loud music. Maybe I’m sick and I just need to take some medicine and it’ll help. Maybe I’m hungry and I can grab a quick (and healthy!) snack. Or if its an emotional thing—can I do something to resolve it in the here and now? Can I just call a friend who can lend an ear or take a few minutes to jot down my thoughts on paper?
"The sun will come out tomorrow."  -Annie

 I’m not saying that all days can be so cut and dry—some days I really just do want to sit around and feel sorry for myself. Some days the emotional situation can’t be resolved in the here and now. Some days I resort to impulsive emotional responses—being snappy, going on a shopping spree (TARGET!), or eating every piece of candy/chocolate in sight. Yep—we all have these days, as well—I like to consider them “relapse days.” The days when I know better and I don’t choose to do better. I remind myself with each step that I still have the ability to turn myself back around and get back on the path—because I don’t have to have a “bad day,” but rather just a “bad hour” or few hours, perhaps.

In the end, there are 2 things that get me through these days when all else fails: This, too, shall pass. Tomorrow is a fresh start.

Yesterday—I did reach out to a friend, I did talk it out, I did journal it out, and when I found myself eating a few more brownies & tortilla chips than I needed, I told myself that “this, too, shall pass” and woke up today, ready to start the day with a Zumba class.

Today’s entry isn’t so inspirational or moving, but a reminder to all of us that we are all human and no matter how hard we are working or how good we feel, “those days” still happen and we need to be able to navigate through them just as well as any other.

As a reminder, I still need a SUPERSTAR submission from EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU SLACKERS that reads this blog and hasn’t sent one in. Please email them to me at and include a picture or several pictures that can be included. I know I have readers all over NC, the Midwest, and even in Europe, so I expect to get some entries from all over. Your accomplishment could be the very inspiration someone else needs.

Happy Hump Day!!


JJAmes said...

When I have "One of Those Days"...I call my Mom. She always knows the right thing to say ;)

La said...

I have heard it said that if chocolate can't fix it, a Mom can. :)