Friday, July 8, 2011

Fun Friday

"Yawn less, yodel more."  -Gas station bathroom wall

As most of America is doing, I am presently celebrating the fact that today is FRIDAY--the start of a beautiful weekend.  Weekends often consist of running errands, cleaning, sleeping and trying to either get caught up or working ahead to prepare for the next week.  I prefer to take care of all those tasks in one day, allowing myself time to use a day for fun.  I enjoy taking some time to kick back and enjoy life. 
Lou--playing pretend at the Outer Banks. 
And she is the most awesome person ever! :)
As a child, weekends were time to pull out the Cabbage Patch Big Wheel, or plan a slumber party with some friends.  Let's try getting back to the fun weekends that we had as kids!!  Some of us may already take the weekends to play, but I am guessing that not all of us are--and those who are could probably stand to play a little more!!  I am looking forward to a weekend at "the lake" with my girls.  I was asked to join and told them I felt as though I'd joined "the cool kids club."  One of them retorted, "more like the Island of Misfits."  Eh, I'll take it either way!!

What can you do this weekend to play?  Take the kids out to the park and actually run around the equipment with them, rather than sitting on a bench and watching?  Build a sandcastle at the beach?  Yodel?  Call a few buddies to play a game of basketball?  Pretend to go hang gliding?  Turn up the radio and have a crazy dance party?  The beauty of each of these actitivies is that they are not only free, but the benefits will not stop with just you--anyone who comes to play with you will benefit!!

Post away--tell us what you are going to/did do to go crazy and get some fun into your weekend!

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