Saturday, July 2, 2011


"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something." —Plato

After much encouragement from others and my own reflective contemplation, I have joined the e-trend of blogging.  I don't intend to fill this blog with the infinite meanderings of my mind, though I am certain they will appear at some point.  I intend to use it as a record for me as I continue my endless journey to destination gray.  Realizing that the world can be gray after seeing it in black and white is similar to finding out that there is no Santa Claus.  Your reality crumbles as you come to recognize that the world you once knew has become that of a naive past.  You are almost embarassed to admit that you ever once believed in black and white, or Santa.  Your heart and mind fill with a twisted concoction of devastation and accomplishment as you work to navigate within the realm of your new reality. 

As a disclaimer, I am sure I will share more than I should at times, and may not share enough at others.  Furthermore, I am not anything amazing or anyone special, just someone who has begun to tap into the unlimited potential we all have within us, and hope to share about my journey in doing so to help others find their way to doing the same.  Names will not likely be changed to protect the innocent (or guilty!).  For now, please notice the exit signs located throughout the plane, and fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for departure.

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