The best way to predict the future is to create it. –Alan Kay
Happy Tuesday, Blog Buds—I hope everyone’s Monday went as great as mine did and you are ready to hit the ground running today! We have come to a time for a necessary topic-accountability. This is not a favorite subject of mine, but a necessary evil to assist us along the way. Today’s topic should apply to every single one of us. To those who are using the cruise control and appearing seemingly consistent in your daily efforts toward your goal, or for those who are struggling more so and can put on your gym clothes, drive to the gym, walk into the gym and then turn around and leave because you just don’t have any accountability. Those of you out there, you know who you are!!
Let us first start by recalling the goals that we defined weeks ago. Picture again in your mind the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches related to these goals. Can you feel it as though it is right in front of your face? Now picture moving that goal away from your face—put some space in between you and the goal. Look into that space and identify the potential potholes, speed bumps and exit ramps that you see in that space. These are the millions of excuses or “cheats” we can use that create the distance between ourselves and our goals. I don’t want us to stay here long—I’m not trying to create hopelessness, just a reality of the days that our motivation levels are low (and we have them, I promise, we all do!!). Now that we see all of these potential detours from our goals, it is time to start problem-solving.
What safety nets can you reinforce to create success for yourself? I mentioned a while ago my ability to open up a refrigerator, find a snack, eat it, and walk away realizing that I just ate because I could---not because I was hungry. Tackling this has been an on-going process of accountability reinforcement. I had to create reminders on the fridge of my goals. I had to create “rules” for myself—if it is not a meal time/planned eating time, I have to ask myself a series of questions about WHY I am eating—and take the time to do 25-50 push ups (and if at the end of it, I still want to eat, it is no longer impulsive but planned and then it is okay). I even keep a food log daily that turn into my coach—not because she really cares what I am eating, but because I know I have to report to her.
Go ahead and identify your solutions for accountability and get them set up. Your goal should no longer be at a distance, but right back within reach of your mind’s eye as you have just prepared for potential relapses and developed strategies to avoid allowing those relapses to become endings on a journey cut short.
A quick shout out to my girl, Lish, who is at T-minus 89 days as we prepare for our races in Des Moines. Thanks for sharing my link, Girl!!
Enjoy your Tuesday, ya’ll. Get out there and taste today like the ripened fruit that it is!
So this is a lot of inside work again, guys, but remember we are doing this together & we are being open about each step of this process in order to maintain our focus on the goals!!
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