A bee flies because nobody ever told them that they couldn't. -Nikki James
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Hannah & Josh |
Earlier this year, I watched the 2011 Tony Awards. Neil Patrick Harris was the host and was seriously hysterical—the opening number had me in tears because I was laughing so hard. But the most touching moment of the night was when Nikki James, Broadway actress, won Best Featured Actress for the show, Book of Mormon. Her hysteria about winning this clearly indicated her true state of shock about winning. While many people had prepared speeches ahead of time, hers was the most touching of the night because it had not been written. Keep in mind that I typically change the channel during the speeches because I find them boring—but this one was so touching. At minute 1:50 it happens. Check out her speech here:
As we utilize some of the skills we learned about in other posts, I would like to see you work to recognize your strengths and your talents by making out a list. Write a list of accomplishments you have made and positive qualities about yourself. Put it somewhere you can see it--your vision board, your fridge, your wallet-you could even put several copies around in different places. Make this a live document so you can keep adding to it. 2 years ago, my list was half the length that it is now. This list helps me stay focused on the tops of the hills when I start to focus on the difficulty of the hill.
So create this list. Maybe you can put that you have pretty eyes. Or a good sense of humor. Maybe it can be accomplishments like paying off debts in the past, losing 10 pounds, or walking away from an unhealthy relationship even though it was difficult. Maybe you can write about a time you were courageous in the past, like when you delivered a speech in front of others, or talked to a boss about a promotion, or mustered up the courage to plant that long-awaited first kiss. Whatever the list incorporates, make sure it is something you can look back at and work on giving yourself some credit--after all, don't you deserve it?
I have a feeling I have quite a few readers who are checking in, but not doing the work. I have been there & done that--and while I appreciate you checking in, I do want to tell you that unless you TRULY do the work--make the vision board, practice replacement statements, post a list somewhere--it is not going to be as effective. You might as well get the most you can for your money--oh wait--this blog is free. More bang for your buck, then!!
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