Monday, August 22, 2011

Motivation 101, Part 8

You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old. –George Burns

I hope everybody had a fantastic weekend!! I enjoyed a nice, long run and have rested since then due to some pain in the knee. I also got to spend a little time with family in Virginia yesterday—and that was, of course, very enjoyable! Now it is time to get back down to business.

For today’s Motivation Monday, I am going to share a story that a friend actually shared with me. I have heard people say a BILLION times that “I can’t run” and “I’m too old.” Well, while I’m sure this is a lie that these individuals have told themselves enough to believe, I share with you today a story that proves that age plays no factor in being fit—and as a matter of fact, it actually helps to maintain youth. Below is a video of the story of Ms. Ida Keeling, a 95 year old runner. Enjoy her story!

Today’s entry is short because Ms. Ida’s story is more than enough. Enjoy your Monday—let’s start this week strong!


Anonymous said...

Pretty impressive.
Laurie Walker

La said...

I know--If I'm not in a wheelchair at 80, I'll be feeling good--95 and setting sprinting records?!