Sunday, August 7, 2011


Your children need your presence more than your presents.  -Jesse Jackson

I apologize to my faithful readers who had to have a SUPERSTAR SATURDAY off.  That's 2 in a row folks. I remind you that I'm taking submissions for this feature and without your submissions, I will continue to have Saturdays off. I don't mind taking a day off, but it saddens me to think that when I'm getting plenty of hits on the site every day that I have only gotten a couple submissions for SUPERSTAR SATURDAY.  So please consider sitting down with your keyboard and shooting me an email telling me what you have done that makes you a SUPERSTAR.  Be sure to include a few pictures so we can share them, as well!

Fraunt La & Frniece Stephanie
After conquering my 16 mile run yesterday, I hit the gym, went to a movie with a friend, and then picked up my almost-10 (she will no longer claim to be 9) frniece.  For those who are not familiar with that word, it is a niece with no blood relation, but still a niece through friendship.  We enjoyed a dinner out and a movie in, and a slumber party in my bed.  Which really means that she slept wonderfully  and I didn't sleep--but in the end, it was all worth it. 

Today, I challenge you to find a little one you know--whether it is your own or a friend's child, and do something special for the child.  My frniece did identify about 25 different costly activities she wanted to do, and instead, the only money we spent was on dinner and on some cinnamon rolls for her breakfast.  She certainly does not need any STUFF--she has a house full of it--but every child benefits from some time.  So while I'm sure she would've enjoyed Chuck E Cheese or bowling or Celebration Station, this morning she is instead talking about how much fun she had snuggling at bed time. 


Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting us out for a walk this morning! Also had fun doing your frniece's hair wrap and having lunch! The kids had a blast and enjoy the company. :D

La said...

Hey Red! Pleasure was all ours!! Was good to get out & enjoy a walk in good company. :) Love!!