Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mood for a mantra

"What's a motto?"  "Nothing, what's a motto with you?" -Simba & Timon, Lion King

As one can tell by the fact that I start every post with a quote, I am a fan of inspirational words.  My coach told me yesterday that she keeps a book of quotes and uses these regularly.  Anybody who has ever visited my humble abode would tell you that I have them EVERYWHERE around my house--on my walls, on my mirrors, on the fridge--anywhere one can be posted, it is.  Sometimes these are quotes of famous people, sometimes of friends, sometimes a line from a movie or a song.  Last night, I started a notebook of quotes that my friends say--not the funny ones like we posted on the wall of our suite in college, but encouraging ones. In the end, I use all of these quotes as a source of inspiration and a form of communication. 

One of my many faves!
During times of hardship--a moment of impulsivity or feeling overwhelmed, I find that it is helpful to have one phrase to repeat to myself to get through the intensity of that moment.  Coach reminds me often that "this, too, shall pass."  Sometimes I prefer a little Stuart Smalley in reminding myself that "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."  I did enjoy the mantra that Abilene taught Mae Mobley in "The Help," "I is kind, I is smart, I is important."  A friend recently told me that she gets sick of hearing "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger," but she has been through a lot and hasn't been killed yet--so she's clearly getting stronger!  I'm sure many people rely upon verses from the Bible--Philippians 4:13 is often a favorite. 

Do you already have a mantra?  If not, what is one you could use?  Repetition of these mantras  helps us to not only get through the intense emotions we may be experiencing at that time, but it also helps us to reinforce positive messages within ourselves.  If you don't have a mantra, spend some time looking up quotes today that help reinforce a message you would benefit from hearing and believing.  Please share it with us on here--you never know how your mantra may help another!!

As a reminder, I haven't been able to post on a Saturday in weeks--I would love to have a reason to post this week!!  Please put together your SUPERSTAR story to share and email it to me here!

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