Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret. -Dr. Lawrence J. Peter

Rosemary Kennedy before lobotomy
Today's entry is going to include some psychoeducation, or as it is titled, psychobabble.  For any of those who have already taken Psych 101, you may be aware of some of this.  For those who are not, you can pay me your 3,000 dollar class fee when you finish reading today's entry.  Please look at exhibit A.  This is your brain (this not going to be followed with "this is your brain on drugs, any questions?").  Our brain is composed of various parts that each provide various functions.  You may remember back in the mid 1900's that lobotomies took place, attempting to correct psychiatric conditions through cutting portions of the pre-frontal cortex.  Rosemary Kennedy (President John F. Kennedy's sister) and Tennessee Williams' sister both underwent lobotomies; both were left incapacitated afterwards (side note:  I met Rosemary as she was kept in a home in WI near my parents' home). 

Today I will provide information about the brain as related to management of intense emotions.  Yesterday, I blogged about writing as a means of release of emotion, but I think this would've been a more appropriate blog to start with.  So I am taking a couple steps back. 

Think about a time recently when you became agitated--perhaps you were worried, stressed, even angry.  What was the situation that was going on?  Did a moron cut in front of you on Wendover during rush hour (guilty)?  Did you find yourself overwhelmed with fear about something in the future (guilty)?  Did you have a conflict with somebody important to you (guilty)?  Or maybe looked at the clock and realized you were late for something (Umm.....guilty on a daily basis)?  These events that occur that cause a change in emotional state are called triggers.  Triggers can also create happy emotions (a phone call that your best friend gave birth to baby Brooklyn, getting a raise, etc.).  We are focused on triggers today that create negative emotions, so I want you to think about those.  Before those triggers occur, we are "firing on all pistons" and are utilizing the frontal lobe, which is where our decision-making and logic occurs.  This is where we function at our best.

Enter in whatever trigger you previously identified.  Our brains reduce the use of the frontal lobe cortex and then begin to utilize the amygdala.  The amygdala is where our emotional reactions occur.  While emotions are certainly okay and highly encouraged, this is where our more impulsive decisions may occur:  flight or flight--or submit.  Picture a dog that is cornered by someone whom the dog fears may harm it.  The dog, responding from the amygdala, is going to either try to escape, will attack, or will submit to the expected abuse.  I'm not endorsing dog abuse here--or any abuse--simply offering up a way to understand this thing.  So when that moron on Wendover--or maybe Eastchester--cuts out in front of me, I am less likely to effectively/calmly problem-solve, and more likely to react emotionally--perhaps honking and offering a one-fingered gesture, maybe crying, and probably yelling any number of colorful words. 
Rosemary Kennedy after lobotomy
As we work to reduce our emotional suppression or emotional reactions that get ourselves in trouble, we will be focusing on engaging in activities that reduce the use of the amygdala and work to bring us back into the use of our frontal lobe so we can problem-solve ways to appropriately manage these emotions, rather than eating, stuffing, projecting, avoiding, smoking, drinking or any other number of those self-destructive behaviors we have.  
Today, when a trigger occurs (as it will--if we are breathing & living, triggers will occur), take some time to recognize if you are reacting logically or emotionally. And for fun, research Rosemary Kennedy--it is an interesting and sad story.  She is the reason that Special Olympics was founded, though, so I can say that the Kennedy/Shriver family did take an awful situation and turn it into something beautiful.

Enjoy your hump day!!

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