Saturday, August 27, 2011


Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.  -Walt Disney

This is a Friday post that is being posted on Saturday.  My apologies for the late posting, but I was at work until 11:00 PM on Thursday and was too tired to prepare a Friday post.  And Friday came and I was busy at the gym, running errands, helping with Bubba, and then taking the night to myself to have some much needed fun!!  The fun from that night inspired this very post.

Who doesn't enjoy some decorative artwork around the house?  I'm a sucker for most any form of artwork at a home, but nothing quite gets me like a crisp black and white photograph.  Ironically, "embracing gray" does not seem to jive with the idea of a black & white photo, but these photos are filled with all shades of gray, coming together to make a classic look with a captured memory.

Holly & La--capturing memories
Still following the idea of the various coping skills that we can use, I find that filling my space with photographs of those who are important to me helps me to maintain my focus on my goals.  I spent time recently on a project, printing out black and white photos of all of my NC friends.  Now, don't get me wrong--my other friends are equally amazing--and already posted in various locations around my house.  Until recently, however, I did not have a strong group of friends here in NC.  I found that after I reached the 2 year mark here, I finally felt as though I was home.  And in one's home, one has photographs.  I will continue to add to the circle of friends I develop here, and as such, will also continue to add to the black and white photo collection I have put together.  Most recently, I found that keeping these pictures in good "reminder locations" helped me to again recognize how fortunate I am and remind myself of the many individuals who care about and support me. 

Where do you like to post photos?  How do they help you?  Feel free to share a favorite picture so everybody can see the beauty in the photo that keeps you focused. 


Lynn Grieger and Mike Ryan said...

Great idea to put together black and white photos of friends. You're giving yourself the gift of reliving special memories!

La said...

Coachy--you must've made it safely!! Hope you guys had a safe ride where you got a few minutes of shut eye! I wish I had a B&W photo of us!!!