Sunday, October 9, 2011


Pain is weakness leaving the body. -Unknown

Any of us who have taken Power class certainly know this is true!!  The bicep track, in particular, apparently has a lot of weakness leaving my body!!

#8 in the countdown was for the instructors and today's is #7 for all the gym buddies I have made in these classes.  The first classes I took were the water classes.  I was the youngest in this class by probably 20 or 30 years--literally.  Water classes get a bad rap--that because it is all old ladies that it isn't a workout.  I challenge any fool who says this to join me for a class sometime--I would walk away from those classes sore and exhausted!  And those old ladies are a force to be reckoned with!  From there, I got the courage to try some other classes--pilates, Zumba, yoga, spin, and then Power. 

I always have joked that the water class ladies were my fan club, but I didn't actually make any friends in class until this sweet redhead who always lifted in my left blind spot offered to set up for me if I was ever going to be late to class.  This kind offer from her led to us exchanging phone numbers, then going to coffee, and now spending at least one night per week together when I tutor her sons, she feeds me, and we visit--in addition the daily phone calls/texts to check in with one another and make sure that we are not taking crap from anyone.  2 of the other good friends I've made in these classes are instructors.  The Lovely Latina who leads up Zumba and the sweetest, motheriest person I've met in NC.  The Lovely Latina not only makes Zumba fun, but any other class you attend with her as she's hootin', hollarin', dancin', and cheerin' everyone on--and all while using her crazy Massachusetts accent.  As for the NC Mother, I can honestly say that I know she is one in a million because special attention was given when a heart as big as hers was created.  She's not only the most physically flexible person I've ever met, but one of the most giving and committed individuals I've ever known.

Ames, LaTina & Mom C, mile 7 is for you.  I've enjoyed our movie dates, tutoring nights, book exchanges, hot pocket references, church visits, life discussions, and hugs.  You're all rather "newbies" in my life, but have become an integral part of my training and support system that have brought me here today.  I will never hear "Hot Blooded" and not think of you!  You is smart.  You is kind.  You is important.  <3

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